Communism Vs. Freedom: Which one will you choose?

In a world where speaking out against the mainstream narrative can lead to severe consequences, the line between freedom and authoritarianism becomes increasingly blurred. Recent events have highlighted this troubling trend, with high-profile figures like Donald Trump facing legal battles that many argue are politically motivated. However, this issue isn't limited to national figures; it’s happening right here in California.

Dr. Alex Balekian addresses these concerns head-on, pointing out how local figures, such as California Assemblymember Bill Essayli and Glendale Mayor Ara Najarian, have faced retaliation for standing up for parents and children. These individuals are being punished not because they are bad people, but because they dared to voice opinions that differ from the far-left progressive agenda. This is a dangerous precedent that mirrors tactics used in authoritarian regimes like China, Venezuela, and Russia, where opposition leaders are jailed as political prisoners.

Bill Essayli was removed from his position in the Assembly Judiciary Committee after he forced a floor vote to end sanctuary state protections for pedophiles—a move that even some Democrats supported, having reached their breaking point with protecting individuals who harm children. Similarly, in Glendale, three progressive council members stripped Mayor Ara Najarian of his mayorship, deeming him "not in the best interest of the city" simply for his differing viewpoints.

These actions are not just isolated incidents. They signify a broader issue where the distinction between Democrat and Republican fades, leaving a stark contrast between progressive and non-progressive ideologies. This trend threatens the core values of freedom and democracy, replacing them with a form of communism and totalitarianism.

Dr. Alex Balekian is running for Congress in California’s 30th Congressional District because he believes it is time to take a stand. He speaks out against the radical progressive agenda led by figures like Laura Friedman and her caucus. This is a fight for our fundamental freedoms, and Alex is committed to ensuring that the voices of ordinary citizens are not silenced.

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To support this crucial fight, we need your help. Your generous donations will empower Alex Balekian to continue advocating for the rights and freedoms of our community. Every contribution makes a difference in standing up against progressive overreach and ensuring a future where freedom prevails.

Donate now to Alex Balekian's campaign and be a part of this vital movement for change. Together, we can make a difference.


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