Vivek Ramaswamy Endorses Alex Balekian for Congress

We're thrilled to announce that Alex Balekian, our candidate for California's 30th Congressional District, has received a significant endorsement from Vivek Ramaswamy, a key figure in the Republican presidential primary race. This endorsement is a major boost for our campaign and highlights the strong, principled leadership Alex is bringing to the race.

Here in California's 30th District, Alex's campaign message—"Progressive isn't working" and "Ideas over identity"—is resonating with a diverse electorate. Alex defies traditional labels and represents a fresh perspective in Republican politics. His platform, which emphasizes being "Fiscally responsible, socially sane," is tailored to address the unique challenges of our district while promoting economic growth and safeguarding individual freedoms.

“I am proud to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Vivek Ramaswamy in underscoring our uniting principles. Constitutional liberties, building the American dream, putting home and family first," said Balekian. "Our collective reasonable voices can reverse these progressive failures and prevent the export of far-left California policies that have turned our Golden State into a rusted brown.”

This endorsement from Vivek Ramaswamy energizes our campaign and affirms that Alex’s approach—prioritizing practical solutions and efficient governance—is what the 30th District needs to thrive. As we prepare for the upcoming election, this endorsement will help catalyze our efforts to reach voters and communicate Alex’s vision for a more prosperous and secure community.

We are more committed than ever to ensure that this seat is led by someone who genuinely understands and represents the values of our community, not by the "proud progressive" Laura Friedman, who aims to maintain the status quo for another two decades.

Join us in supporting Alex Balekian for Congress as we approach the crucial months leading up to the election. Your involvement is key to our success—whether through volunteering, spreading the word, or contributing to our campaign.

Together, we can bring about real change in California's 30th Congressional District.

— Team Alex


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