Speaking out against the suppression of free speech in Glendale

Glendale is on a path to potentially label free speech as hate speech, a dangerous slope toward censorship and authoritarianism.

Mayor Dan Brotman initiated this action with the admirable intention of combatting anti-Armenian and anti-Jewish behavior. However, his initiative, aimed at addressing what he deems as 'divisive, dangerous hate speech in Glendale,' is worryingly vague and could be subject to abuse. This could lead to a situation where those in power could potentially label differing opinions as hate speech, thereby suppressing free expression. Alarmingly, despite widespread opposition from citizens who cherish their First Amendment rights, the city council advanced the measure.

This development is not just a matter of free speech, but a testament to government overreach. In our diverse society, it's crucial that we protect the rights of individuals to express their views, even when they're not popular or mainstream. We must remain vigilant against any form of censorship or authoritarianism, and strive for a small, accountable government that respects and upholds the rights of its citizens.

Here's the deal - my campaign isn't backed by big parties, fancy corporations, or anonymous PACs. It's just us regular folks trying to make a difference. Your contribution, even if it's just one dollar, helps keep our grassroots movement going. Think of it as investing in a better future for us all. Thank you for your support.

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Prescription for Progress: Dr. Alex Balekian’s Campaign for CA30