Higher taxes. Rampant crime. Failed visions. It’s time we sent the far-left politicians and their activists packing.

State Assemblymember and Proud Progressive Laura Friedman

It's Time for Real Change

What good can be said of the apologist, enabling ideas of Progressive policies? The reality is stark: widespread homelessness, rampant drug use, unpunished robberies, brazen criminals, obscene school curriculums, out-of-control taxes, and an unsustainably higher cost of living. Despite these glaring issues, we're still being told that we need to do more—more for the environment, more for the unfortunate homeless, more for illegal immigrants, more for the mistreated criminals. Progressive isn’t working.

The Consequences of Progressive Policies

The consequences of these policies are visible in our everyday lives. Our streets are overrun by homelessness, creating unsafe and unsanitary conditions for everyone. The leniency towards drug use has only escalated the problem, leading to more public health crises. Crime rates are soaring as criminals operate with impunity, knowing they face little to no consequences for their actions.

Alex Balekian explains why progressive policies are turning the Golden State a rusted brown.

The Strain on Our Communities

Our schools are not spared either. Radical changes to curriculums are leaving parents and educators concerned about the quality and appropriateness of the content being taught. Meanwhile, tax rates continue to climb, placing an unsustainable burden on hardworking families. The overall cost of living has skyrocketed, making it increasingly difficult for average citizens to make ends meet.

Make a donation.

Alex needs your help. Despite being out-raised ten to one during the Primary election for California 30th congressional district, he managed to beat our State Senator Anthony Portantino and former LA City Attorney Mike Feuer.

Laura Friedman has received millions of dollars from special interest groups. Alex is a working ICU physician, standing up to do what he thinks is right. Any amount you can spare helps him reach more voters.