Luxury High-Rise Apartments for Homeless in Los Angeles

In a recent video, Alex Balekian addresses the controversial luxury high-rise apartments in Los Angeles designed to house homeless individuals from Skid Row. These apartments, which cost $600,000 each, are equipped with amenities such as exercise equipment and common areas. However, Alex raises significant concerns about the effectiveness and long-term viability of this approach.

Uncovering the Reality

The initiative aims to provide a stable living environment for homeless individuals, but it overlooks the root causes of homelessness—severe mental illness and drug addiction. Simply placing individuals who struggle with these issues into luxury apartments without addressing their underlying problems is a recipe for disaster. As Alex points out, this approach has failed before, as evidenced by the Mayfair Hotel experiment, where homeless residents caused significant damage, leading to millions in cleanup and purchase costs.

A Misguided Approach

While the intent to house the homeless is commendable, the execution raises questions. The high cost per apartment and the lack of comprehensive support for mental health and addiction treatment make this solution seem more like a band-aid than a cure. The funds used for this project could potentially be redirected towards more sustainable and effective solutions, such as affordable housing combined with mental health and addiction services.

The Financial Burden

The financial implications of this project are staggering. Taxpayers are footing the bill for these luxury apartments, and there are already concerns about future costs. Assembly member Laura Friedman and other progressive politicians have championed ACA 1, a measure that could lead to higher property taxes to fund more homeless housing. With $25 billion already spent on homeless housing and an audit revealing a lack of accountability, the public's frustration is understandable.

Alex Balekian’s Vision

Alex Balekian's campaign is built on the principles of fiscal responsibility and social sanity. He believes in addressing the homelessness crisis with practical, long-term solutions that tackle the root causes. His platform resonates with voters who are tired of ineffective policies and want real change.

Join the Movement

Alex invites you to join his campaign to bring about meaningful reform. By voting for Alex Balekian in November, you support a candidate who prioritizes ideas over identity politics and seeks to implement policies that work for everyone. Visit to learn more, volunteer, or contribute to the campaign.


Vivek Ramaswamy Endorses Alex Balekian for Congress